Human Resources for the Non-HR Manager
Carol T. Kulik & Elissa L. Perry

News Articles & Blogs
October, 2024
Your one-size-fits-all L&D program isn’t working. Consider these approaches instead.
This HR Brew article includes Carol’s recommendations on getting more value from organizational training efforts. You’ll find lots of other relevant content in Human Resources for the Non-HR Manager’s Chapter 6 (Training and Developing Employees).
August, 2024
Two things are better than one: Improving employee wellbeing and organizational performance.
As we emerge from a global pandemic into the "next normal", employers are increasingly interested in employee wellbeing. In this HR Today article, Elissa shares how organizations can help managers engage in behaviors and practices that contribute to a positive, health supportive work climate.
April, 2024
Why don’t Australians talk about their salaries? Pay transparency and fairness go hand-in-hand.
Employers are facing regulatory pressure to be more transparent about their pay practices, but it can be tricky to get pay transparency right. Carol summarized the benefits and risks in this article she wrote for The Conversation.
January, 2024
What 5 weeks of annual leave could mean for employee wellbeing
This HRD article describes a call for Australian employers to increase annual leave, and Carol comments on the implications for employee well-being. More annual leave gives employees more autonomy to balance their work and non-work lives, and might be a great retention tool!
October, 2023
Gen X workers want different benefits. Companies are answering the call.
This BBC Worklife article includes Carol’s comments on the symbolic and signaling effects of employee benefits. You’ll find lots of great content about benefits in Human Resources for the Non-HR Manager's Chapter 2 (Recruiting Employees) and Chapter 8 (Rewarding Employees).
October, 2023
Downsizing by stealth: How not to lay off staff
Downsizing is never going to be easy, but there are ways to reduce the pain. Carol talked with the Australian Financial Review about compassionate downsizing, a topic that readers will recognize from Human Resources for the Non-HR Manager’s Chapter 9!
October, 2023
The best less businessy, business books that can help managers
Elissa is on a mission to get research-based evidence into the hands of people who can put it to good use. Here’s her take on “less businessy” business books from authors who translate research into language that people can understand.
July, 2023
The best books for making work a better place to be (when you aren't the big boss)
Carol likes to imagine Human Resources for the Non-HR Manager in good company on a manager’s bookshelf. In this blog, she recommends some of her favorite books about making work a better place to be (when you aren’t the big boss).
July, 2023
The how and why of building a diverse workforce
Carol wrote this article for Financy, a fintech startup that helps organizations move the dial on diversity, equity and inclusion. She presents a handful of “hot tips” for line managers, explaining how they can support inclusion without a heap of extra stress or fuss.
Webinars & Podcasts
October, 2024
Employee training and development to foster workforce productivity
In this Academy of Management webinar, Carol joins a panel to discuss employee training and development. The webinar highlights ways that organizations can get more value from their training, and of course Carol emphasizes the key role of line managers!
March, 2024
Line managers as accidental people managers
Carol, together with Sylvia Powell and Shane Farley, presents “Line Managers as Accidental People Managers” in the University of South Australia Centre for Workplace Excellence four-part webinar series entitled Achieving Workplace Excellence: The Critical Role of Line Managers.
September, 2023
Carol Kulik on HR for the Non-HR Manager
Dr Ben Butina’s Department 12 podcast covers “Everything IO Psych.” Carol talked with Department 12 about a few favorite topics: how line managers make work a better place, how people management differs across international contexts, and how we can make progress on grand challenges one small step at a time.
August, 2023
Teaching management best practices
The Academy of Management hosts panels of management scholars to discuss trending management topics. In this webinar, Carol highlights educators’ responsibility to help practicing managers develop the skills they need. And she squeezes in a plug for L-E-S-S is more thinking!
July, 2022
What is the future of the office?
This short film from The Economist includes Carol’s observations on hybrid work’s impact on the employer-employee relationship (with a particular focus on trust and autonomy).

August, 2024
Elissa and Carol hosted a professional development workshop Educating Managers with Hands-On Teaching Tools that Link Research to Practice at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM) in Chicago, IL, USA, focused on narrowing the research-practice gap. Their PDW used a “tell and show” format to demonstrate teaching tools (including the Undercover Manager activities that accompany Human Resources for the Non-HR Manager) that incorporate adult learning principles into management education.

February, 2024
Carol presented “Line Managers: The Unsung Heroes in Every Organisation” at the MBA Association of Ireland & Cork University Business School's joint sponsored annual alumni event. Click the photo to view a short video of the event.

October, 2023
Human Resources for the Non-HR Manager is all about helping managers create better, more inclusive, and healthier workplaces. Elissa conducted a workshop for the Teachers College community on Creating Healthy Workplaces, based on the research evidence about how organisations can prioritise employee well-being.

August, 2023
The Centre for Workplace Excellence at the University of South Australia hosted an event celebrating the release of Human Resources for the Non-HR Manager.
July, 2023
The Teachers College, Columbia University community warmly welcomed Human Resources for the Non-HR Manager (and its authors)!